Tournament Details
With the recent guidelines Gov Abbott set forth today, we are forced to cancel the Lake Ray Hubbard event on March 28th.
In light of the cancellation and the new guidelines regarding gatherings of no more than 10 people, we have put together some thoughts on how to give you a chance to fish and compete. Please review the following suggestion and let us know your thoughts.
We are considering the First Annual Corona Classic and here’s how it would work:
1. Sign up would be online ONLY and must be completed by Sunday at 4:00 pm. Teams will pay one entry fee for the entire event.
2. We will hold a Facebook live event to draw teams to compete against each other. For example, the first two teams we draw will have one week to compete on any water of their choice and text us the results by the following Sunday at 4:00 pm.
3. We will put the winning teams back into the hat and hold another Facebook Live event to draw teams again for the second round of competition. Again, you select the water of your choice and send us the results by Sunday at 4:00 pm.
4. We will continue for 2-3 weeks (depending on the number of total teams we start with) until we reach the minimum number of teams to hold a final event that will meet with the guidelines. Most likely (depending on the number of teams we start with), all the final teams will receive a check.
5. The entry fee would be a one-time $250 per team payable during the online registration this weekend. Once we close registration on Sunday at 4:00 pm, we will not have any other entries.
We need to know your thoughts now so that we can get it set up tomorrow for the registration time. PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. WE WILL POST THE FINAL DECISION ON FACEBOOK AT NOON FRIDAY, MARCH 20TH, AND OPEN THE REGISTRATION THEN. Feel free to call Donnie at 817-895-2309 with any questions.
Again, this is our suggestion to give you a chance to fish and compete while still abiding by the guidelines that are required. Your input is helpful as we navigate through this, so please let us know if this is something you would like to do.